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Indigenous peoples' rights
Aotearoa New Zealand

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Pages with more detailed information on specific topics:

Indigenous peoples' rights

  • Image to share: We support Te Tiriti - Today, Tomorrow #Everyday! February 2024
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  • Image to share: We support Te Tiriti, Peace Movement Aotearoa, February 2023
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  • He Puapua: Report of the Working Group on a Plan to Realise the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Aotearoa / New Zealand, 14 October 2020 (final edition)
  • Image to share: We support Te Tiriti, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 5 February 2020
  • He Puapua: Report of the Working Group on a Plan to Realise the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand, 1 November 2019 (OIA release, October 2020)
  • 12th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 12 September 2019
  • Incorporating tikanga Maori into the constitutional arrangements, Claire Charters, 26 August 2019
  • International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, 9 August 2019
  • Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 1 March 2019
        on Facebook   formatted for printing   on Twitter
  • Government request for feedback on UPR recommendations on New Zealand, 27 February 2019 - the feedback deadline is 13 March 2019
  • Image to share: We support Te Tiriti, Peace Movement Aotearoa, February 2019
  • Treaty / Human Rights: UPR recommendations on NZ, 25 January 2019
  • 11th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 13 September 2018
  • Waitangi Tribunal releases Te Rohe Potae report, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 12 September 2018
  • NZ Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: UN Experts Recommendations - Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’ Concluding Observations on New Zealand, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 4 April 2018
  • Today is Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 1 March 2018   On Facebook   Formatted for printing
  • We support the Treaty, Peace Movement Aotearoa / Quaker Treaty Relationships Group, February 2018
  • Moana Jackson honoured with Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, 15 December 2017
        Ngati Kahungunu   Peace Movement Aotearoa
  • Conference on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Te Papa, 5 and 6 September 2017
  • Racial Discrimination: UN Committee recommendations on New Zealand, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 29 August 2017
  • Interview: Mask slipping on institutional racism, Waatea News / Peace Movement Aotearoa, 15 August 2017   Interview overview   Full interview
  • UN Committee examines NZ government's performance on racial discrimination, Peace Movement Aotearoa, August 2017
  • In memory of Teresia Teaiwa, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 22 March 2017
  • Today is Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 1 March 2017
  • Independence Day 2016, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 28 October 2016
  • Moana Jackson: 'Race, power and prisons', Peace Movement Aotearoa forum in Wellington on 25 October 2016 - Facebook event - A4 poster
  • New Zealand children: UN Committee "deeply concerned" - UN Committee expresses deep concern about the enduring high prevalence of poverty among children and a range of other issues, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 10 October 2016 - on Facebook - formatted for printing
  • UN Committee on the Rights of the Child considers New Zealand’s performance, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 15 September 2016 - on Facebook - formatted for printing
  • UN Committees assess New Zealand's human rights performance under the ICCPR and the ICESCR, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 1 April 2016 - on Facebook - formatted for printing
  • UN Human Rights Committee examines NZ's performance next week, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 11 March 2016
  • Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 1 March 2016
  • We support the Treaty: TPPA / Waitangi Day, Peace Movement Aotearoa / Quaker Treaty Relationships Group, 29 January 2016
  • He Whakaaro Here Whakaumu Mo Aotearoa: The Report of Matike Mai Aotearoa - The Independent Working Group on Constitutional Transformation, January 2016
  • World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, 22 and 23 September 2014
        - information and links     - photos
  • Advisory panel report hardly furthers 'constitutional conversation', Carwyn Jones, 6 December 2013
  • International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, 9 August 2013
  • UN Special Rapporteur issues report on extractive industries and indigenous peoples, 6 August 2013 - media release - report
  • Support the Treaty: Submissions due 31 July 2013, Peace Movement Aotearoa, July 2013
  • Call for action: Support the Treaty, June 2013   - Web page   - On Facebook
  • Racial Discrimination: UN Committee recommendations on New Zealand, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 2 March 2013   - Formatted   - On Facebook   - Yahoo News
  • New Zealand Maori Council and the Waikato River and Dams Claim Trust, Supreme Court decision, [2013] NZSC 6, 27 February 2013
  • UN Committee examines NZ government's performance on racial discrimination, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 20 February 2013 - Background information   - Information on the 82nd session. Media release - on Facebook   - on Scoop
  • Time for change: A framework for community discussion on values-based and Treaty-based constitutional arrangements, Peace Movement Aotearoa, December 2012 - webpage - on Facebook
  • UN Committee examines NZ government's performance on racial discrimination, Peace Movement Aotearoa, December 2012 - the deadline for NGO reports is 31 January 2013
  • High Court decision in Mighty River Power case, Carwyn Jones, 10 December 2012 - read the decision The New Zealand Maori Council v Attorney-General [2012] NZHC 3338
  • 'Ngapuhi Speaks: He Wakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi', launch of the Independent Report on the Ngapuhi Nui Tonu interim hearings, 28 November 2012  
    - Details on Facebook   - A4 poster
  • WAI 2358: Interim Report on the National Freshwater and Geothermal Resources Claim, Waitangi Tribunal, 24 August 2012
  • Pacific Caucus Statement on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 17 May 2012
  • Joint intervention on the duty of the state to protect Indigenous Peoples affected by transnational corporations and other business enterprises, Te Runanga o Te Rarawa, the Ngati Kuri Trust Board, Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu and the Aotearoa Indigenous Rights Trust, 16 May 2012
  • Statement of Te Whanau a Apanui, United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 16 May 2012
  • Intervention on the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Te Runanga o Te Rarawa, Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu, and Aotearoa Indigenous Rights Trust, United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 15 May 2012 - intervention text - video
  • Intervention on the rights of Indigenous Peoples to food and food sovereignty, Te Runanga o Te Rarawa, the Ngati Kuri Trust Board, Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu, and Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporation, United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 14 May 2012
  • Intervention on the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), Te Runanga o Te Rarawa, Ngati Kuri Trust Board and Te Runanga-a-Iwi o Ngati Kahu, United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 10 May 2012
  • Maori Caucus intervention on national constitutions and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 8 May 2012   - intervention text   - video
  • Discussion on "the Doctrine of Discovery: its enduring impact on indigenous peoples and the right to redress for past conquests (Articles 28 and 37 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples)", Moana Jackson, Panel Presentation, United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 7 May 2012
  •   - presentation text   - video

  • Submissions on the Mixed Ownership Model Bill - deadline is Friday, 13 April 2012
  • Submission on SOE privatisation (mixed ownership model), Peace Movement Aotearoa, 22 February 2012
  • Ten Things You Should Know About the Government's Proposal to Partially Privatize State Assets, Carwyn Jones, 16 February 2012
  • Template submissions for Maori to use regarding the partial privatisation of power generating state owned enterprises, Te Kawa a Maui, 13 February 2012
        - A concise version   - An extensive version
  • Submissions on SOE privatisation (mixed ownership model) - deadline is 22 February 2012

  • 2011 Me Rongo Peace Congress Declaration

  • UN Special Rapporteur highlights ‘negative, even catastrophic’ impact of extractive industries on Indigenous peoples, UN General Assembly Third Committee, 17 October 2011
  • Statement from the West Papua solidarity gathering at Nga Wai o Horotiu, Tamaki Makaurau / Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand, 8 September 2011 - text - pdf
  • Information for NGOs: Draft government report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 19 August 2011
  • NZ government's position on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 17 August 2011
  • Government Constitutional Advisory Panel announced, 4 August 2011 - updates, comments and resources on constitutional transformation and the government's constitutional review are available on this page
  • WAI 262 report: Links and Waitangi Tribunal media release, 2 July 2011
  • Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives welcomes the announcement of the Canada-First Nations Joint Action Plan, KAIROS, 15 June 2011
  • Heeding the taniwha can help avert expensive blunders, Kepa Morgan, 14 June 2011
  • 'Roll with the Declaration': Cross-Canada Action in Support of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, KAIROS, June 2011
  • Testimony before the US Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Hearing on 'Setting the Standard: Domestic Policy Implications of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples', James Anaya, 9 June 2011
  • Haronga v Waitangi Tribunal (Supreme Court), Carwyn Jones, 6 June 2011
  • Abel Tasman oil, coal and gas proposal alarms iwi, The Nelson Mail, 3 May 2011
  • Key: Iwi won't sway Govt on offshore oil, Stuff, 3 May 2011
  • Act now: Iwi fishing skipper detained on navy warship, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 23 April 2011
  • A Primer on the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Bill, Moana Jackson, 7 March 2011     - Web page   - Printable version
  • Special Rapporteur Report: Treaty settlements, Carwyn Jones, 27 February 2011
  • UN report shouldn’t be lost in upheaval, Waatea News, 24 February 2011
  • Summary of Maori submissions on the Marine and Coastal (Takutai Moana) Bill 2010, Kaitiaki o te Takutai, 22 February 2011
  • Maori Affairs Select Committee Report on Marine and Coastal Area Bill, Carwyn Jones, 18 February 2011
  • The situation of Maori people in New Zealand: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya, 17 February 2011
  • Maori Affairs Committee Report on the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Bill, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 9 February 2011
  • Systemic flaws block Maori from oil say, Waatea News Update, 23 December 2010
  • Pre-publication edition: Report on the Management of the Petroleum Resource, WAI 796, Waitangi Tribunal, 22 December 2010
  • US announces support for the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Remarks by US President at the White House Tribal Nations Conference, 16 December 2010
  • Iwi to hold own constitutional review, Professor Margaret Mutu and Moana Jackson, 15 December 2010
  • Hauraki hui reaffirms Maori women leadership, Te Whaainga Wahine, 28 November 2010
  • Submissions on the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Bill, the closing date is Friday, 19 November 2010
  • Canada's Statement of Support on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 12 November 2010
  • Constitutional issues review announced, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 8 December 2010
  • Bruce Jesson Lecture 2010, Annette Sykes, 5 November 2010
  • Pre-publication format: Chaper on Te Reo Maori, WAI 262, Waitangi Tribunal, 20 October 2010
  • Maori and Parliament: Diverse Strategies and Compromises, by Maria Bargh, published September 2010
  • 'Lines in the Sand', directed by Carol Archie, produced and presented by Hinewehi Mohi, first screened on Maori Television on 25 September 2010
  • Brief of Evidence: Te Paparahi O Te Raki Inquiry, Moana Jackson, 13 September 2010
  • A question of balance, Sue Abel, 3 August 2010
  • New Zealand: More to be done to improve indigenous people’s rights, says UN Expert, Preliminary statement on visit, UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People, 23 July 2010
  • Public seminar with the UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples' Rights, 19 July 2010 - photos
  • Visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People, 18 to 23 July 2010
  • Making the Declaration Work: The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, edited by Claire Charters and Rodolfo Stavenhagen, IWGIA, December 2009 - more copies now available, July 2010
  • Foreshore and seabed: government proposals and consultation document, submissions due 30 April 2010
  • Report of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples petition, 23 April 2010
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Cause for Celebration, Claire Charters, April 2010
  • NZ government's announcement of support for the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 20 April 2010
  • A primer on the government consultation document 'Reviewing the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004', Moana Jackson, 7 April 2010     - Web page   - Printable version
  • ‘Avatar is real’, say tribal people, Survival International, 25 January 2010
  • State of the World's Indigenous Peoples, United Nations, released 14 January 2010
  • Making the Declaration Work: The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, edited by Claire Charters and Rodolfo Stavenhagen, IWGIA, December 2009
  • Letter to the NZ government about their position on the UN Declaration, Canadian IPOs and NGOs, 20 July 2009
  • Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, James Anaya, 15 July 2009
  • Report of the Ministerial Review of the Foreshore and Seabed Act, June 2009
  • Submissions to the Ministerial Review of the Foreshore and Seabed Act available here, Peace Movement Aotearoa, May 2009
  • Widespread abuse against indigenous peoples persists warns Migiro, UN News, 18 May 2009
  • Momentum Needed Following UN Report, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu, 13 May 2009
  • UN Recommends Better Protection of the Human Rights of Maori, Aotearoa Indigenous Rights Trust and Peace Movement Aotearoa, 12 May 2009
  • Report: Outcome of the Universal Periodic Review of New Zealand, 11 May 2009
  • French nuclear weapons tests - victims call France to account, April 2009
  • Indigenous Peoples' Guide: False Solutions to Climate Change, Indigenous Environmental Network and others, April 2009
  • The Anchorage Declaration: Indigenous Peoples' Global Summit on Climate Change, Alaska, 24 April 2009
  • A primer on making written submissions to the Ministerial Foreshore and Seabed Review Panel, Moana Jackson, April 2009
  • Submissions due: Foreshore and Seabed Act Ministerial Review, Peace Movement Aotearoa, April 2009
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' petition to parliament - the first presentation of signatures to parliament was on 10 December 2008, the final deadline for return of signatures is 15 April 2009. Please note, signatures must be submitted on the printed form or they will not be accepted by the Office of the Clerk. If you have any difficulty opening or printing this petition, please contact us and we will post copies to you.
  • Australian government's announcement of support for the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Statement on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Jenny Macklin (Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs), 3 April 2009
  • UN Experts welcome Australia’s endorsement of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UNOG, 3 April 2009
  • International Meeting Applauds Australia's Support for Indigenous Peoples, 03 April 2009
  • United we stand – Support for United Nations Indigenous Rights Declaration a watershed moment for Australia, Tom Calma, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner (Australian Human Rights Commission), 3 April 2009
  • Australia backs UN on indigenous rights, Sydney Morning Herald, 3 April 2009
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: petition update, and questions about the NZ government's position, 2 April 2009
  • Report on the expert group meeting on the role of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in the implementation of article 42 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Aotearoa Indigenous Rights Trust, 23 January 2009
  • Treaty of Waitangi: Questions and Answers, updated revised edition, published December 2008
  • Maori perspectives on water resources, Pita Sharples, 15 December 2008
  • Act now to support the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Peace Movement Aotearoa, updated 11 December 2008
  • Current human rights issues and future challenges for human rights and New Zealand: A Maori perspective, Claire Charters, 10 December 2008
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' petition: presentation to parliament on Human Rights Day, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 10 December 2008 - photos and speech notes
  • Protest manifests as indigenous rights are opposed by US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand at UN Climate Conference, Representatives of indigenous peoples, local communities and non-governmental organizations, 9 December 2008 - more photos of the protest
  • Caritas calls on government to uphold indigenous rights, Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand, 9 December 2008
  • Human Rights Day: Indigenous Rights Petition to Parliament, Aotearoa Indigenous Rights Trust and Peace Movement Aotearoa, 9 December 2008
  • Letter to PM John Key on New Zealand's stance on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Sisters of St Joseph Aotearoa/New Zealand, 8 December 2008
  • Bishops call on government to support UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Catholic Communications, 8 December 2008   - The Bishops' Statement
  • 'An introduction to Maori and the United Nations', Aotearoa Indigenous Rights Trust DVD launch, in Wellington on 21 November 2008 - the formatted copy of the launch invitation is available here, and press releases are available in te reo Maori and English.
  • Universal Periodic Review: submissions on the NZ government's human rights record - deadlines are: Thursday, 23 October for joint NGO submissions; Monday, 10 November for single NGO submissions
  • Report on the 1st session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Aotearoa Indigenous Rights Trust, 8 October 2008
  • Act now to support the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 13 September 2008 - see updated edition, December 2008, above
  • Rush for Treaty claims as deadline passes, Yvonne Tahana, 3 September 2008
  • Waitangi tribunal receives 1000 new claims, NZPA, 2 September 2008
  • Maori seats possible model to give Aborigines a voice, Yvonne Tahana, 26 August 2008
  • New Zealand 'terrorism': Summary of case transmitted to the government and their reply, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, S. James Anaya, 15 August 2008
  • International Day of the World's Indigenous People, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 8 August 2008
  • Tangata Whenua Rights and the Constitution, Statement from Friends' Yearly Meeting (Aotearoa New Zealand), 11-13 July 2008
  • Cullen's Waitangi deal too late to swing Maori votes, Rawiri Taonui, 3 July 2008
  • Protesters occupy controversial marina site, James Ihaka and NZPA, 2 July 2008
  • Indigenous peoples most affected by climate change Assembly President says, UN News, 1 May 2008
  • Resource Kit on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues, Secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, April 2008
  • UN Experts welcome Canadian House of Commons endorsement of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UNOG, 18 April 2008
  • Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination briefed on United Nations Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UNOG, 19 February 2008
  • UN rights experts welcome Australia's apology to indigenous peoples, UN News, 18 February 2008
  • Consolidated Indigenous Shadow Report to United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination highlights racism by United States, International Indian Treaty Council, 5 February 2008
  • Guidelines on Indigenous Peoples' Issues, United Nations Development Group, February 2008
  • Fly the Flag: competition, letters and donations, Te Ata Tino Toa / Peace Movement Aotearoa, February 2008
  • Race Relations ‘whitewash’ a farce says Maori Party, Te Ururoa Flavell, Member of Parliament for Waiariki, 30 January 2008 - commenting on Treaty developments significant over the past year, Race Relations Commissioner

  • 2007

  • Iwi sign international Treaty on indigenous rights, Ngati Awa, 28 November 2007 - includes link to United League of Indigenous Nations Treaty web site
  • Resolution and Communique on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, 28 November 2007
  • Anti-terrorism law, dawn raids, and human rights - a public meeting with guest speaker Moana Jackson, 28 November 2007 in Lower Hutt
  • Labour votes Treaty out again says Maori Party, Te Ururoa Flavell, 16 November 2007
  • There are questions that need to be asked: A primer on Operation Eight - further developments, 12 November 2007     - Web page   - Printable version
  • 'Terror' raids: human rights in Aotearoa hui, 3 and 4 November, at Tapu Te Ranga Marae, Wellington
  • Pax Christi World Assembly adopts Resolution on UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 1 November 2007
  • The evolving role of the Treaty in international relations, Dr Pita Sharples, 25 October 2007
  • Back in the mists of fear: A primer on the allegations of terrorism made during the week 15 - 19 October 2007 Moana Jackson, 23 October 2007
        - Web page   - Printable version
  • A highly unsuitable candidate: New Zealand government is not fit to sit on UN Human Rights Council, Aziz Choudry, 20 October 2007   - Web page   - Printable version
  • NZ denies full justice to Maori, Rawiri Taonui, 11 October 2007
  • Adoption of Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples a historic moment for human rights UN expert says, Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous Peoples, 14 September 2007
  • UN Declaration a milestone for Indigenous Peoples, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Tom Calma, 14 September 2007
  • NZ indigenous rights stance 'shameful' - Maori Party, Stuff, Reuters and NZPA, 14 September 2007
  • NZ Joins the Coalition of the Willing against Indigenous Rights, Maori Party, 14 September 2007
  • Ottawa under fire for UN vote, Steve Lambert, 14 September 2007
  • NZ votes against indigenous peoples' rights at the UN as Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is adopted by overwhelming majority, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 14 September 2007 - includes UN News article and UN DPI summary of NZ government's statement
  • Black leaders denounce government's UN failure, Sydney Morning Herald, 14 September 2007
  • Statement on the approval of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UNICEF Executive Director Ann M. Veneman, 14 September 2007
  • A Caribbean Perspective on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, United Confederation of Taino People, 13 September 2007
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Regional Caucus Statements, 13 September 2007: Africa region   |   Arctic region   |   Asia region   |   North America region   |   Pacific region
  • UN High Commissioner for Human Rights hails adoption of Declaration on indigenous rights, OHCHR, 13 September 2007
  • Declaration: Statement by Assembly of First Nations, 13 September 2007
  • Federal government 'shows contempt for Aborigines', Sydney Morning Herald, 13 September 2007
  • Adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, joint statement by international non-indigenous NGOs: Amnesty International, Friends World Committee for Consultation, International Service for Human Rights, International Federation of Human Rights, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples, and Rights and Democracy, 13 September 2007
  • Adoption of indigenous rights declaration ‘major victory’ for United Nations in long history of developing human rights standards, Chairperson of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 13 September 2007
  • Secretary-General says indigenous rights Declaration ‘triumph’ for indigenous peoples around the world, UN Department of Public Information, 13 September 2007
  • General Assembly adopts Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples; ‘major step forward’ towards human rights for all says President, UN Department of Public Information, 13 September 2007
  • Warrior Syd Jackson dies, Radio Waatea, 3 September 2007
  • Pou Korero: a journalists' guide to Maori and current affairs, launched 27 August 2007
  • Backpedalling on native rights, Carol Goar, 22 August 2007
  • UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Concluding Observations on New Zealand, 15 August 2007 (released 17 August 2007)
  • Affirm the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Steven Newcomb, 16 August 2007
  • MNCs biggest foes of indigenous peoples’ rights - UN exec, Desiree Caluza, 14 August 2007
  • On the International Day of the World's Indigenous People, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 9 August 2007 - includes an update on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and information on NZ government investments in companies involved in the violation of indigenous peoples' human rights
  • Letter to the Canadian government on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Chief Commissioner, Ontario Human Rights Commission, 9 August 2007
  • Message on the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Chairperson of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 9 August 2007
  • Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine and Former Conservative Minister urge support for passage of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, CNW Telbec, 9 August 2007
  • International Day of World’s Indigenous Peoples Commemorated at the United Nations, UCTP Taino News, 10 August 2007
  • Asia indigenous peoples alliance calls for adoption of the Declaration, Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development, 9 August 2007
  • International Day of Indigenous People observed, Nepal News, 9 August 2007
  • International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples: Amnesty International urges all states to support the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Amnesty International, 9 August 2007
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Due for Formal Adoption, Elisa Burchett, 8 August 2007
  • Message of Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and Rodolfo Stavenhagen, Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous Peoples, on the occasion of the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, OHCHR, 7 August 2007
  • Guyana takes retrorade step on UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Guyanese Organization of Indigenous Peoples and the Amerindian Peoples Association, 7 August 2007
  • First Nations Feel Betrayed by Canada at UN, Am Johal, 7 August 2007
  • UN Committee examines NZ government's performance on racial discrimination, 29 July 2007 - with updates from 30 July onwards
  • States accused of human right violations trying to stop the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Redamazon, 31 July 2007
  • Act now: Foreshore and Seabed Repeal Bill, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 21 July 2007 - updated 26 July 2007
  • Indigenous Peoples demand UN accountability, Rebecca Sommer, 21 July 2007
  • Racism in health will continue if Treaty removed, Public Health Association, 19 July 2007
  • Native Peoples Renew Call for UN Recognition, Haider Rizvi, 18 July 2007
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Press Statement by the Indigenous Peoples' Caucus at UN Headquarters, 18 July 2007 - the webcast of the press conference is available here [English: 36 minutes]
  • Press Conference by Indigenous Peoples' Caucus, UN Department of Public Information, 18 July 2007
  • Solidarity with indigenous Australian communities on 14 July 2007
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Letter to Ambassador Davide about his consultation on behalf of the UN General Assembly President, Indigenous Peoples' Caucus, 13 July 2007
  • Aboriginal women protest Ottawa's refusal to back UN Declaration, CBC News, 13 July 2007
  • Canada's snub of UN is 'shameful' summit told, Cheryl Cornacchia, 10 July 2007
  • Dion urges Harper to sign UN human rights document for native peoples, CJAD Newstalk Radio, 8 July 2007
  • Open Letter to Stephen Harper on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Stephane Dion, Leader of the Opposition, 8 July 2007
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: African Group of States' Proposed Revised Text - A Model for Discrimination and Domination, Indigenous Peoples' Caucus, June 2007
  • UN Declaration: Letter to the President, United Nations General Assembly, Amnesty International, Canadian Friends Service Committee, International Service for Human Rights, International Work Group on Indigenous Affairs, KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples Rights, and Democracy, 25 June 2007
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: letter to the President, United Nations General Assembly, Federation of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Asia, 20 June 2007
  • Sixth Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in Retrospect, Elisa Burchett, 19 June 2007
  • Treaties are just the starting point: Indigenous people work hard to recover their connection with their ancestors and with the land, Kate Harries , 18 June 2007
  • Act now! UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 15 June 2007   - html version     - pdf version
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Our Land, Our Identity, Our Freedom - A Roundtable Discussion, Cultural Survival Quarterly interview with Les Malezer, Naomi Kipuri, Ramona Peters and Stella Tamang, 13 June 2007
  • Davide to faciliate UN negotiations for tribal rights, Davao Today, 12 June 2007
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Did Australia demand reversal on natives? Gloria Galloway, 9 June 2007
  • MNC welcomes federal bureaucrats' recommendation that the government back UN Declaration on Indigenous Rights, Métis National Council, 8 June 2007
  • Back UN on native rights, Ottawa urged: bureaucracy at odds with PM's position documents show, Gloria Galloway, 8 June 2007
  • Open Letter to the Government of Canada regarding the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Amnesty International, 8 June 2007
  • Adoption of UN declaration a matter of course, Ellen Lutz, 31 May 2007
  • United Nations forum calls for ‘free, prior and informed consent’ by indigenous peoples for projects on their lands as two-week session ends: urges General Assembly Adoption of Indigenous Rights Declaration; and approves texts on anti-poverty goals, human rights, and urban migration, UN Department of Public Information, 25 May 2007
  • Press Conference on climate change and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 24 May 2007
  • Letter to the President of the General Assembly re the African Group draft proposal to amend the text of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Peoples' Caucus, 22 May 2007
  • As African Nations Oppose Indigenous Rights Treaty, Stories from Botswana and Rwanda, Matthew Russell Lee, 22 May 2007
  • Mexico attempts to satisfy Africa Group, Indigenous Peoples of Africa Co-ordinating Committee, 22 May 2007
  • Indigenous face poverty - even extinction - at hands of indifferent governments and profit-hungry corporations, United Nations forum told, UN Department of Public Information, 18 May 2007
  • African Indigenous Caucus braces for the Amendments, Indigenous Peoples of Africa Co-ordinating Committee, 17 May 2007
  • Letter to the General Assembly President with draft Resolution calling for Adoption of the Declaration, Mexico and other UN member states, 14 May 2007
  • Letter to the President of the General Assembly calling for the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to be presented as soon as possible for adoption, Indigenous Peoples' Caucus, 11 May 2007
  • Resistance: An Indigenous Response to Neoliberalism, launched 1 May 2007
  • Human Rights Council Sessions 2006/2007: information relevant to indigenous peoples, Claire Charters, 16 April 2007
  • Addis Ababa Call on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee and others, 5 April 2007
  • Response note to the Draft aide memoire of the African Group on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Presented by an African group of experts, 21 March 2007
  • Tino Rangatiratanga Hui Recognises Indigenous World Water Day, Aotearoa Educators, 21 March 2007
  • 'Pacific genes and life patents: Pacific experiences and analysis of the commodification and ownership of life' - open source book, published 20 March 2007
  • Gene hunters, patent prospectors, medical experimenters, leave indigenous communities in Pacific feeling besieged and betrayed; book catalogues unethical research and gene theft in Pacific countries, United Nations University, Institute of Advanced Studies and Call of the Earth Llamado de la Tierra, 20 March 2007
  • Oral Intervention calling for the establishment of a Permanent Expert Group on Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights, submitted by the International Indian Treaty Council, the International Organization of Indigenous Resource Development and Indigenous World Association, to the Human Rights Council 4th Session, 12 to 30 March 2007
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Joint statement by Amnesty International, Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l’homme, Friends World Committee for Consultation (Quakers), International Service for Human Rights, International Work Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA), Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples (NCIV), Rights and Democracy - delivered by Rachel Brett, Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva, to the Human Rights Council 4th Session, 12 to 30 March 2007
  • UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination calls upon Canada to immediately endorse the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, International Indian Treaty Council, 8 March 2007 - the Committee's Concluding Observations on Canada are available here
  • Recognizing indigenous peoples' human rights, Ellen L. Lutz, 1 March 2007
  • Reasons why the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as adopted by the Human Rights Council, should be adopted by the General Assembly, Les Malezer, 1 March 2007
  • Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day 2007, Peace Movement Aotearoa / Pacific Concerns Resource Centre, 1 March 2007
  • Indigenous Peoples point to Canada’s violations of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, International Indian Treaty Council, 19 February 2007
  • Some western countries endorsing obscuring of UN Indigenous Rights Declaration, Guyana Organisation of Indigenous Peoples, 15 February 2007
  • Waitangi Day: Maori Flags over Aotearoa, Te Tino Toa, 1 February 2007
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Brief Commentary on the 'Draft Aide Memoire' of the African Group, Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee, 16 January 2007
  • Kao! to Marina in Whangamata / No! to Marina in Whangamata, online petition.

  • 2006

  • The Toronto Charter: Indigenous Peoples' Action Plan on HIV/AIDS 2006
  • Letter on the Declaration to the President of the United Nations General Assembly, Indigenous Peoples Caucus, 30 December 2006
  • Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Perfect Opportunity for CANZUS States, Elisa Burchett, 22 December 2006
  • UN General Assembly defers action on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UN Department of Public Information, 20 December 2006
  • An open letter to the ambassadors of the United Nations: UN should adopt original declaration, Charmaine White Face, Teton Sioux Nation Treaty Council (Tetuwan Oyate), 16 December 2006
  • Indigenous Leaders Disappointed as Canada Helps Postpone UN Declaration on Indigenous Rights, Tom Patrick, 15 December 2006
  • Press Conference on Declaration of Indigenous Peoples' Rights: Roberto Mucaro Borrero, Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus and Chair of the NGO Committee on the Decade of the World’s Indigenous People; Alison Graham, International Service for Human Rights; and Chief Phil Fontane, Assembly of First Nations in Canada, with Elsa Stamatopoulou, Chief of the Secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, UN Department of Public Information, 12 December 2006
  • Another Day of Mourning for Native Peoples, Haider Rizvi, 12 December 2006
  • Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples delayed, Valerie Taliman, 12 December 2006
  • UN forum chairperson decries delay in adopting declaration on indigenous rights, UN News, 12 December 2006
  • UN’s human rights record challenged by Indigenous Peoples - Statement for International Human Rights Day, Indigenous Peoples Caucus, 10 December 2006
  • Message on International Human Rights Day, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Chairperson UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 10 December 2006
  • IPACC Statement on the UN General Assembly decision to postpone the vote on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Peoples of Africa Co-ordinating Committee, 6 December 2006
  • Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Statement by UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous People, Rodolfo Stavenhagen, 4 December 2006
  • Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Oral Intervention at the United Nations Human Rights Council, Third Session, International Organization of Indigenous Resource Development and the International Indian Treaty Council, 4 December 2006
  • Indigenous Declaration Still Powerful- UN Forum Chief, Marty Logan, 3 December 2006
  • Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Statement from the International Indian Treaty Council, 2 December 2006
  • Namibia slammed for 'killing' UN rights resolution, Christof Maletsky, 1 December 2006
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Human rights organizations condemn efforts to block vital human rights instrument, Amnesty International, Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers), International Service for Human Rights, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA), Kairos: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples (NCIV), and Rights and Democracy, 30 November 2006
  • Q&A With Chairperson of the Indigenous Peoples Caucus, Les Mazeler, Elisa Burchett, 30 November 2006
  • UN non-action decision on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is a deplorable setback to the global struggle for human rights for all, Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development and the Centre for Organisation Research and Education, 30 November 2006
  • Submissions: Education Curriculum and the Treaty of Waitangi, Peace Movement Aotearoa - deadline is 30 November 2006
  • Statement on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Tom Calma, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, 29 November 2006
  • UN General Assembly fails to bring hope to world's indigenous peoples, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, 29 November 2006
  • African States Deliver Huge Blow to Indigenous Rights Declaration, Elisa Burchett, 28 November 2006
  • UN affirms Indigenous Peoples are not equal to all other Peoples, Indigenous Peoples' Caucus, 28 November 2006
  • Leadership Council troubled by today’s vote at the United Nations: inaction on Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples inexcusable, Colin Braker, First Nations Summit, and Heather Gillies, BC Assembly of First Nations, 28 November 2006
  • Third Committee votes to defer action concerning Declaration on Indigenous Peoples's rights, UN Department of Public Information, 28 November 2006
  • United States opposes declaration on Native rights, Valerie Taliman, 21 November 2006 - includes comment on the NZ government's position
  • UN Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples: Joint statement to the UN missions, Various Human Rights NGOs, 16 November 2006
  • The world’s Indigenous peoples call on states from Asia and the Caribbean not to support the procedural motion to defer the decision on the Indigenous Declaration! Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus, 15 November 2006
  • Statement on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Peoples' Caucus, 13 November 2006
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - Human Rights Response: Why a proposal to delay adoption should not be supported, Indigenous Peoples' Caucus, 12 November 2006
  • Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Botswana should respect culture of the San Bushmen, Statement by Archbishop Tutu, 6 November 2006
  • Declaration is a historic document, out of a historic process, Craig Mokhiber, Officer in Charge, New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 4 November 2006
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Conservative government increasingly isolated in its unprincipled opposition to vital human rights instrument, Amnesty International Canada, Assembly of First Nations, KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, Canadian Friends Service Committee, Native Women's Association of Canada, Rights and Democracy, and also endorsed by Inuit Circumpolar Conference Canada and Ligue des droits et libertés, 2 November 2006
  • The Rights of Indigenous Peoples: a discussion of the UN Declaration and response to New Zealand's objections, Claire Charters, October 2006
  • Draft resolution calling for adoption of the Declaration by the UN General Assembly, Various UN Member States, 31 October 2006
  • Educators challenge attacks on Treaty, National Tangata Tiriti Educators Conference 2006, 29 October 2006
  • Hikoi, 25 October 2006 (in the week of UN Day and Independence Day) – making the links between the Declaration of Independence 1835, Treaty of Waitangi 1840, and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2006 - Report and Photos: Australian High Commission   |   US Embassy   |   Parliament
  • Submissions on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Deletion Bill - due 20 October 2006

  • An Appeal to the General Assembly on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Rodolfo Stavenhagen, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous Peoples; Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Chairperson, United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 16 October 2006
  • Initiative on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Aotearoa Indigenous Rights Trust, 21 August 2006
  • Submissions on Treaty claims deadline - due 18 August 2006
  • The UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Powerpoint presentation to the Human Rights Commission's International Day of the World's Indigenous People Symposium, Claire Charters, 9 August 2006
  • A Pakeha Perspective on Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Speech to the Human Rights Commission's International Day of the World's Indigenous People Symposium, Edwina Hughes, 9 August 2006
  • Public forums on the International Day of the World's Indigenous People, 9 August 2006
  • Petition supporting the UN General Assembly's approval of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Amnesty International, 9 August 2006
  • Update on International Developments Relating to Indigenous Peoples: Speech notes for Maori Legal Forum, Claire Charters, 31 July 2006
  • Resolution on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , Human Rights Council, 29 June 2006
  • Human Rights Council adopts texts for protection from enforced disppearance and rights of indigenous peoples, UNOG Report, 29 June 2006 - more information in the Declaration text and UN documents section
  • Act today for indigenous peoples' rights, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 27 June 2006 (updated 29 June)
  • NZ actively opposes any UN Declaration on Indigenous Peoples, Aroha Mead, 22 June 2006
  • Letter drafted to the NZ government, by Moana Jackson on behalf of the 60+ people who participated in the dDRIP seminar on 17 June 2006 at Te Papa, 22 June 2006
  • Statement by Don MacKay, NZ government representative, at the Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva, 21 June 2006 - see sixth paragraph for the government's position on the Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  • Analysis of the Chair's text of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Estebancio Castro Diaz and Tracey Whare, 15 June 2006
  • 'Mission to New Zealand' - Report of Rodolfo Stavenhagen, the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People, dated 13 March 2006, released 4 April 2006
  • Western Shoshone Victorious at United Nations: US Found in Violation of Human Rights of Native Americans and Urged to Take Immediate Action, 10 March 2006     - for information about the latest nuclear weapons test on Western Shoshone land, see Act now! imminent nuclear weapons test on indigenous land.
  • Updated: Act now! for Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 8 March 2006     - html version     - pdf version
  • No justice where accused is judge, Rawiri Taonui, 28 February 2006
  • Act now! imminent nuclear weapons test on indigenous land, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 23 February 2006
  • Report on the resumed session of the Working Group on the UN Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Meeting - 30 January to 3 February 2006, Claire Charters, 11 February 2006
  • Letter to the Prime Minister re the draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 27 January 2006
  • Letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs re the draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Joan Macdonald, 26 January 2006
  • Act now! for Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 22 January 2006     - html version     - pdf version
  • Primary Concerns and Considerations re The Chairman's Summary on Self Determination and Land Resources in the UN Draft Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - Submitted for discussion purposes to the Indigenous Peoples Caucus, International Indian Treaty Council, 20 January 2006
  • Petition with 1,073 signatories delivered to NZ government requesting Maori participation in NZ government position on the draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Aroha Mead, 18 January 2006

  • 2005

  • Public Participation on NZ government position on the Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, online petition
  • WAI 1298: The Report on the Aotearoa Institute claim concerning Te Wananga o Aotearoa, Waitangi Tribunal, 23 December 2005
  • Report on the Working Group on the UN Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Meeting - 5 to 16 December 2005, Claire Charters, 22 December 2005
  • Two media releases: New Zealand Government considered 'hostile' toward Indigenous Peoples everywhere and Amnesty International criticise New Zealand government proposal to the UN, Pacific Centre for Participatory Democracy, 16 December 2005
  • A Response to the Self-Determination Proposal of Australia, New Zealand and the United States Explanatory Note, Aotearoa Indigenous Rights Trust, 15 December 2005
  • Joint Non-Indigenous NGOs Statement on the Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Various, 14 December 2005
  • New Zealand Nukes Indigenous Peoples Right to Self-Determination, American Indian Law Alliance, 14 December 2005

  • Statement to the UN Intersessional Working Group on the Draft Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, International Indian Treaty Council, Movimiento de la Junventud Kuna (Panama), Confederacy of Treaty 6 First Nations (Canada), and Consejo de Todas Las Teirras (Chile), 12 December 2005
  • International Indigenous Peoples' Rights Movement Alarmed by New Zealand's Policy on Indigenous Peoples' Self-Determination at the UN, American Indian Law Alliance and other indigenous organisations, 8 December 2005

  • UN Expert on Human Rights of Indigenous People Concludes Visit to New Zealand, UN Press Release, 25 November 2005
  • Joint submission of Indigenous Peoples Organisations on Indigenous Peoples' Right to Restitution, Various, 24 November 2005
  • Joint submission of Indigenous Peoples Organisations on the 'General Provisions' of the Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Various, 24 November 2005
  • Submission to the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous Peoples, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 23 November 2005
  • 'One law for all races' risky says expert, Ruth Berry, 21 November 2005

  • Information on the visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous Peoples, Rodolfo Stavenhagen, 19 to 25 November 2005

  • Special Rapporteur's Report on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People, 2005

  • Indigenous people face ongoing human rights abuses UN expert says, UN News Service, 24 October 2005

  • International Developments Concerning Indigenous Peoples and their Relation to National Laws, Policies and Action: Maori in Aotearoa/New Zealand, Claire Charters, October 2005 - Paper for the United Nations Expert Seminar on Implementation of National Legislation and Jurisprudence Concerning Indigenous Peoples' Rights: Experiences from the Americas, 12-14 October 2005
  • National 'risks racial backlash', Jon Stokes, 7 September 2005

  • United Nations Committee Responds to Western Shoshone Requests - Specific Mention of Threatened Spiritual and Cultural Areas: Mt Tenabo and Yucca Mountain, 23 August 2005
  • Pakeha / Tauiwi Support the International Day of the World's Indigenous People, 9 August 2005

  • Te Taumata Kaumatua o Ngapuhi Statement, 18 April 2005
  • United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) critical of Foreshore and Seabed Act; plus response to the CERD decision, March 2005
  • Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination considers situation in New Zealand, CERD, 25 February 2005
  • Hikoi ki Waitangi - 2 to 6 February 2005

  • 2004

  • Successful Conclusion of the Indigenous Representatives’ Hunger Strike and Spiritual Fast at the UN Working Group on the Draft Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 2 December 2004
  • Update on the Hunger Strike by Indigenous Peoples' Representatives at the United Nations, 30 November 2004
  • Letters of support for the hunger strike for indigenous rights, 29 November to 4 December 2004
  • Support the Hunger Strike by Indigenous Peoples' Representatives at the United Nations, 29 November to 4 December 2004
  • Te Papa treasure 'stolen', Oskar Alley, 2 November 2004
  • Atrocities detailed in Gisborne report, Jon Stokes, 1 November 2004
  • Independence Day celebrations, The Daily News, 29 October 2004
  • Ngati Apa wins Privy Council case, NZPA, 29 October 2004
  • Panel rejects iwi's claim rest-home site was sacred, Philip English, 29 October 2004
  • Country's first Maori-constituency councillors sworn in, NZPA, 27 October 2004
  • Judge lauds Resource Management Act as ideal, Mathew Dearnley, 25 October 2004
  • The canting of democracy in French Polynesia, Tariana Turia, 21 October 2004
  • Return to Maori names hailed, Renee Kiriona, 19 October 2004
  • Minister's Answers Show Government Fearful, Tariana Turia, 18 October 2004
  • Lakes agreement a step nearer, NZPA, 18 October 2004
  • Lakes better given into tribal hands, NZ Herald Editorial, 13 October 2004
  • National stance brings tears to Maori eyes, Renee Kiriona, 12 October 2004
  • Government refutes Maori UN race complaints, Ruth Berry, 11 October 2004
  • The good outweighs the bad for Maori, Susan Huria, 11 October 2004
  • Maori get 'raw deal', Dominion Post, 4 October 2004
  • Government scraps 'ethnic' grants, Ruth Berry and Audrey Young, 22 September 2004
  • Te reo's long journey continues, Renee Kiriona, 14 September 2004
  • NZ government put on notice at the United Nations, Aotearoa Indigenous Rights Trust, 13 September 2004
  • 'Xenotransplantation' Treated With Concern, Tariana Turia, 31 August 2004
  • UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination requests explanantion of Foreshore and Seabed Bill, CERD, 20 August 2004
  • Government warned on ethnic responsibility, Ruth Berry, 13 August 2004
  • Iwi status limited in RMA rejig, Kevin Taylor, 12 August 2004
  • 'Urgent' Maori land hearing postponed, NZPA, 9 August 2004
  • Council says 'no' to handing over domain ownership to Ngati Mutunga, Rochelle West, 4 August 2004
  • Maori spiritual values help block plan for tidal gates on inlet, Anne Gibson, 29 July 2004
  • UN Set to Designate Second Indigenous Decade, UNPO News, 28 July 2004
  • Haka as Turia makes history, Tracy Watkins, 28 July 2004
  • 'The Colonizer State Government Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples': Statement to the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Working Group on Indigenous Peoples, Sharon Venne, 26 July 2004
  • Intervention on Foreshore and Seabed delivered to the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations, Aotearoa Indigenous Rights Trust, Tuhoe Nation, and the International Indian Treaty Council, 19 July 2004
  • Ngai Tahu concern shared by other indigenous peoples, Tom McKinlay, 14 May 2004
  • Ngai Tahu wins Pacific support, Amanda Spratt, 14 May 2004
  • Iwi Claims Seabed Concern High At UN, Newstalk ZB, 14 May 2004
  • Turia taking time out in political limbo, Ruth Berry, 14 May 2004
  • RMA about to get some fine-tuning, Kevin Taylor, 13 May 2004
  • Ngai Tahu takes case to the United Nations, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu, 11 May 2004
  • Iwi takes issue to the world stage, TVNZ, 11 May 2004
  • Bay of Plenty iwi claims under way, NZ Herald, 10 May 2004
  • Seabed issue to be considered by UN body, NZ Herald, 4 May 2004
  • Turia would like separate Maori house in Parliament, NZPA, 3 May 2004
  • Treaty of Waitangi - commemorations of the signing of the Treaty in Kaitaia, Te Runanga O Te Rarawa, 28 April 2004
  • Maori women in spotlight at world film conference, Peter Calder, 21 April 2004
  • Slip of the tongue launches treaty website, Ruth Berry, 20 April 2004
  • Bay of Plenty council gets extra Maori seat, Bernard Orsman and Rosaleen MacBrayne, 13 April 2004
  • Sing-along radio courses get thumbs up, Hawke's Bay Today, 13 April 2004
  • Contract loss closes Maori radio service, Alan Perrott, 8 April 2004
  • Invite has a sting in its tail, Ruth Berry, 3 April 2004
  • Waitara deal not in bag says Wilson, NZPA, 1 April 2004
  • Fisheries bill unfair say tribes, Ruth Berry, 31 March 2004
  • Karakia rings in Maori Television as founders steel themselves for flak, Renee Kiriona, 29 March 2004
  • Treaty inquiry will have narrow focus, Audrey Young, 29 March 2004
  • NZ a racist place Bic Runga tells Irish paper, Ainsley Thomson, 29 March 2004
  • Iwi consultation to be targeted in review of race policies, Ruth Berry, 26 March 2004
  • Elder's journey helped save a language, Renee Kiriona, 25 March 2004
  • Treaty inquiry details will take time to emerge Clark says, NZPA, 15 March 2004
  • Treaty inquiry puts tribunal under a cloud, Jonathan Milne, 14 March 2004
  • Clark struggles to contain Maori anger, Audrey Young, Angela Gregory and Ruth Berry, 8 March 2004
  • Feasibility of new Maori Party to be explored, Newstalk ZB, 7 March 2004
  • Review of treaty possible says PM, Audrey Young, 6 March 2004
  • Culture, health and safety, Tariana Turia, 5 March 2004
  • PM hard to pin on treaty cutoff, Ruth Berry, 3 March 2004
  • Iwi helped to find members, Ruth Berry, 3 March 2004
  • Maharey wants to start treaty clock ticking, Ruth Berry, 2 March 2004
  • Call for law to get Maori land back, NZPA, 26 February 2004
  • Treaty settlements halfway through, Paula Oliver, 20 February 2004
  • Convention on Biological Diversity's International Regime: Indigenous Activist Organizations Call for No Access Zones, Debra Harry, 18 February 2004
  • Government tightens screws on aid for Maori, Ruth Berry, 17 February 2004
  • Maori voters urged to eject National MPs, Northern Advocate, 11 February 2004
  • Waitangi Day: Next year will be different elders vow, Claire Trevett and Ruth Berry, 7 February 2004
  • Brash gets another reminder of Maori unrest at dawn service, Newstalk ZB, 6 February 2004
  • No surrender vows Te Heuheu as she loses role, Ruth Berry, 4 February 2004
  • Support for Georgina Te Heuheu, Tariana Turia, 3 February 2004

  • 2003

  • Sharing and partnership: the value of Maori custom, Tariana Turia, 15 December 2003
  • On the Ngati Tama Claims Settlement Bill second reading, Tariana Turia, 18 November 2003
  • Further delay on new sea farms, Irene Chapple, 4 November 2003
  • New members for Waitangi Tribunal, Parekura Horomia, 2 November 2003
  • Government wary of judges' two hats, Ruth Berry, 22 October 2003
  • Mallard 'safer' bet for treaty role, Ruth Berry, 20 October 2003
  • TV vital to survival of te reo Maori, David Williams, 8 October 2003
  • Bay of Plenty Council opts for Maori seats, NZPA, 1 October 2003
  • 25-year plan to lift Maori language, Audrey Young, 29 September 2003
  • Social Cohesion and the Constitutional Status of Tangata Whenua, Tariana Turia, 27 September 2003
  • Tariana Turia interview on racism and Paul Holmes' 'cheeky darkie' comments, 26 September 2003
  • Holmes a racist, one of many, Turia says, NZPA, 26 September 2003
  • Government approves MTS-Sky deal, Ruth Berry, 19 September 2003
  • Corrections Bill axes Maori participation in prisons, Iwi Whanui O Tamaki Makaurau, 18 September 2003
  • Maori seek treaty hearing to oppose end of GM ban, Anne Beston, 4 September 2003
  • Communique from the Workshop on the Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 9 August 2003
  • Man died from heart attack in police cells says coroner, NZPA, 4 August 2003
  • Former league rep dies in custody - a Waitara man who was friends with Steven Wallace has died in the New Plymouth police cells, Patrick Gower, 4 August 2003
  • Maori being short-changed claims expert, Eugene Bingham, 26 July 2003
  • The key Maori claims, New Zealand Herald, 19 July 2003
  • Video game giant under 'attack' for use of Maori imagery, Jonathan Milne, 20 April 2003
  • The mark of Kri on Playstation 2, Kingi Gilbert, 2 April 2003
  • Treaty education must be a priority say Greens, Jeanette Fitzsimons, 5 February 2003

  • 2002

  • Protecting NZ's cultural heritage, Joris de Bres, Race Relations Commissioner, 4 December 2002
  • 'Young Nick's Head protected'?, government decision, 9 August 2002
  • Friday 9 August: Support Ngai Tamanuhiri as kaitiaki of Te Kuri (Young Nicks Head), PMA, 7 August 2002
  • Urgent! Act NOW to stop the sale of Te Kuri (Young Nick's Head), PMA, 7 August 2002
  • Urgent! Stop the sale of Te Kuri, PMA, 6 August 2002
  • Support the Ngai Tamanuhiri Embassy, PMA, 5 August 2002
  • Second level domain '' approved, InternetNZ Press Release, 22 July 2002
  • Imprisoned by 'Democracy'? Aziz Choudry, 21 July 2002
  • Maori comment on Privy Council plan, Mana News Service, 18 April 2002
  • Thanks from Maori Internet Society 12 March 2002
  • Support Maori Internet Society! deadline 8 March 2002

  • 2001

  • Mana Maori Considers Legal Action Against Government, Mana Maori, 29 October 2001
  • An Exquisite Politeness: The Royal Commission on Genetic Modification and the Redefining of the Treaty of Waitangi, Moana Jackson, August 2001
  • Te Atatu Marae Hikoi, 29 August 2001
  • Bringing It All Back Home: Anti-globalisation Activism Cannot Ignore Colonial Realities, ZNet Commentary 2 August 2001
  • Te Whainga: A search for an Independent Police Complaints Authority 10 May 2001
  • Waitangi Day celebration of indigenous survival, Aotearoa Educators, 10 February 2001
  • Supporting Te Reo, 5 February 2001
  • Treaty 2000 publication, PMA, 19 January 2001

  • 2000

  • UN Working Group on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Maori Legal Service, 22 November 2000
  • Statement to the Commission on Human Rights on self determination, land and resources, Maori Legal Service and Ka Lahui Hawai'i, 22 November 2000
  • Letter to Jenny Shipley, WILPF (Aotearoa), 12 September 2000
  • Letter to Helen Clark, WILPF (Aotearoa), 11 September 2000
  • Official Statement of the Indigenous Peoples Conference regarding 'holocaust’, Wellington, 8 September 2000
  • ERMA challenged by own Maori committee, Green Party, 6 September 2000
  • Personal statement, Tariana Turia, 5 September 2000
  • Distortion of Tariana Turia's speech, Maire Leadbeater, 5 September 2000
  • Tariana Turia's speech well received, Les Gray, 4 September 2000
  • Update: Denial of the effects of colonisation? PMA, 4 September 2000
  • Bio-colonialism, Nga Wahine Tiaki o te Ao, 1 September 2000
  • Corso Media release re: Indigenous Holocaust, 31 August 2000
  • Denial of the effects of colonisation? PMA, 31 August 2000
  • Tariana Turia's speech notes, 29 August 2000
  • Update: Draft Declaration on Indigenous People Rights, WILPF, 25 August 2000
  • The Spurned Maori Delegation, Te Karere Ipurangi,, 3 July 2000
  • An evening of international solidarity, 19 January 2000

  • 1999

  • More on Maaori legal services, 28 September 1999
  • Maaori legal services funding, 23 September 1999
  • APEC / Maaori protest, 8 September 1999
  • Funding cuts for Nga Kaiwhakamarama, 7 September 1999
  • Radio NZ - loss of Maaori news bulletins, 12 August 1999
  • Statement from Ohiwa protesters, 21 January 1999

  • Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UN documents

    NZ government's position on the Declaration

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